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Nearest Color

Match custom colors to popular design palettes

Don't eyeball that orange

Don't guess that blue

Get the right color with Nearest Color

You've got a color like #d58400 and you need the best match to that color from your palette.

Get the closest match to any color from your palette. Tailwind, Apple HIG, and Bootstrap are the palettes that are currently supported.

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Windows coming soon

Here's an example of what you'd get with Tailwind

Your color


Tailwind yellow-600

(which is #ca8a04)

Nearest Color is a MacOS app (Windows coming soon) that finds the right color from your palette instantly – no need to guess or hope!

You enter #d58400 and select your palette. Say you select Tailwind, it tells you yellow-600. You enter lab(80.5% -40 79), it tells you lime-400.

Give it a color in any format: hex, rgb, hsl, hwb, cmyk, lab, oklab, lch, or oklch.

You'll be using the best color science to find the color humans perceive as closest, not just the mathematically closest color.

Nearest Color is available on MacOS with Windows coming soon – available as a one-time purchase.

Download on the App Store

Windows coming soon

How Nearest Color works

Watch these videos to get an idea of how you'll use Nearest Color.

1. The basics

Look up a color using the hex code. Switch to a different color palette. Pull a slider to compare the input color with the nearest match in the palette.

2. All formats

Use a color in any format, not just hex. This example uses oklch.

Download on the App Store

Windows coming soon

3. Color Picker

Use the system color picker to select the color you want to match.

4. Save colors for later

Make your own palette, a holding area for colors for the project you're working on.

Download on the App Store

Windows coming soon