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Nearest Color

Match custom colors to popular design palettes

Nearest Color is a MacOS app (Windows coming soon) that improves Find the nearest Tailwind colour in every way.

Find the nearest Tailwind colour will stay online, open source, and free to use.

Nearest Color finds the color on the left. ✅

Find the nearest Tailwind colour finds the color on the right. ❌


Nearest Color


Find Nearest Tailwind colour


Download on the App Store

Windows coming soon

New Nearest Color features

Nearest Color keeps the same main feature of Find the nearest Tailwind colour. You enter #fff, it tells you white.

Nearest Color has several new and very important features.

Nearest Color uses much better color science to find closer matches

Nearest Color finds the closest color in a palette according to how humans actually perceive colors.

Find the nearest Tailwind colour finds the closest color in the Tailwind palette naively using the mathematical distance between colors.

See more examples of the quite amazing difference this change makes.

Nearest Color supports all color formats

Nearest Color: hex, rgb, hsl, hwb, cmyk, lab, oklab, lch, oklch, or a CSS named color

Find the nearest Tailwind colour: only hex

Nearest Color supports more palettes

Nearest Color: Tailwind, Apple HIG, and Bootstrap at launch.

Find the nearest Tailwind colour: only Tailwind

Let me know if there are other palettes you'd like to see.

Nearest Color is a paid desktop app

Nearest Color is a paid app for MacOS app (Windows coming soon) – available as a one-time purchase.

Find Nearest Tailwind Colour will stay online, open source, and free to use.

Download on the App Store

Windows coming soon